Sunday, February 12, 2012

app to post empty status in facebook profile

its an interesting thing about Facebook addicts .do you know how to post and empty status in facebook profile .lets follow these simple steps below to be first to know about this simple and handsome app

  • first press &hold Alt key
  • type the numbers 0173
  • remove the finger on Alt key
  • now click post
  • the magic happens

ways to find facebook fake profiles

The average Facebook profile now a days is minimum 200 .we can find the fake profiles easily by having 2000 to 5000 members in their profile with celebrities and female pics.actually there is no time for celebrities to have huge list now a days.and Facebook would have to take a serious step to eradicate these type of white color jobs

how to make similar website like you tube

hi i know you are going to be competitor for you tube .for this you should have to wait one year with lots of hard work without failing . main thing you have to do is purchase a digital video camera
and keep the camera with you only like you keeping your cellphone .and take the videos of the things happening around you and tell your friends about your desire of being a competitor of you tube.first they will laugh never mind .do it do it like you search for your motor cycle key that were not visible while your going to college

  • take a good domain name not similar to you tube
  • don't forget to put guest uploads .those are must because you tube depends on those only
  • and give some penny to the people who had uploaded number of times and put contests etc

hope you will succeed one day .

Saturday, February 11, 2012

simple methods to get adsense approved

Google is the topmost service for helping bloggers to generate income from their blogs .if Google not invented adsense how would all websites generate income .that's why i use this opportunity to say Google a big thanks . the main point we are going to know is as follows

  • Google adsense feels very happy to approve website or blog if your content is new,Google not encourage site those who are copying content from other websites or blogs .so develop a site with your own words don't do copy and paste work it is harmful for bloggers also because if any body given a compliant we will be in great trouble .so don't be a copycat

and the below related sites are prohibited by ad sense

  1. adult content
  2. coy righted material
  3. drug alcoholic and tobacco related content
  4. gambling content
  5. hacking and tracking related content
  6. weapon related content

and other illegal content

hope you benefit from this post and be a Google ad sense earner

how to run car travels without any car

we are going to learn a smart and unique method to run a car travels business without any car.first of all you should have a brand name .my brand name for my car travels is tirumala travels .you should have to make that brand very popular in your area you can follow the link here for some simple brand developing ideas here

  • approach hotels in your town or city what ever it is .talk with the management that we are having this business .tell them to take 2$ for one customer .
  • second step is we have to approach car owners who are sending cars for hire purposes collect the phone numbers and inform them when we get business from hotels and collect 3or 4$ from them depending on the business .that's it our car rental business started unanimously
  • we should be very patient and work hard one year and select some good car drivers and tell them to fill a form called "customer satisfaction"from the customers

these are the simple steps to run business without any vehicle

hope you agree with me


today iam going to share a useful app of how to hide facebook offline friends .its an energetic tool for facebook worms who are regularly doing chatting around the globe .

  • click on install

one important thing we should should point out here is about our browser .it requires kynetx extension (depends on the browser we have) before proceeding install it by clicking the button

after installing you will automatically redirect to the conformation page with big message congratulations .

thats it use this sweet app and celebrate

and you can see the below screen shot